Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Previewing the DPJ election

I was on CNBC Asia again today to preview the Kan-Ozawa showdown.

In case you're wondering why I've been silent during this campaign, the reason is simple. The DPJ scheduled its election the same week as my doctoral exams (how rude! - ed.) and so I have not been able to follow this electoral campaign to anywhere near the degree I would have liked. Apparently appearing on TV to talk about Japanese politics is how I unwind after a day spent writing.


Jan Moren said...

You have a thesis defence coming up anytime soon? That's always a nice, relaxing event for everyone involved - with one notable exception of course.

Katie said...

I might speak for a fair amount of your readers when I admit to forgetting how young my favourite source for current Japanese politics is.

Best of luck on the exams - and a huge sigh of relief considering the latest election news.