Saturday, May 4, 2013

A cleaner, leaner Observing Japan

::Sweeps away dust and cobwebs::

*cough cough*

Is anybody here?

I've been away so long that Google completely redesigned Blogger's dashboard, so that it took me a little while to figure out how to use it. Anyway, as you can see, I've cleaned up the blog, switched to a more minimalistic template, and removed dead links and obnoxious buttons and ads.

As for content, I'm still deciding what exactly I'm going to do with Observing Japan henceforth. It may be a little strange to revive the blog when wags are declaring that the age of the blog is over, but then, I've always had anachronistic tendencies. I don't think I'll match (or even try to match) the prolixity of years past. At the very least, I'll provide links to what I say and write elsewhere. Stay tuned for more soon.


Lionel Dersot said...

To the question "Is anybody here?", the answer is yes. Looking forward to new Japan observations.

Jan Moren said...

In general, when the in crowd declared "X is dead", it simply means that X is now mainstream, normal and no longer the hip new thing. Email is apparently also dead according to them, though my inboxes would beg to differ.

Welcome back!

Shingetsu News Agency said...

Welcome back, Tobias. The dialogue on Japanese politics is richer when you are a part of it. You've been missed.

Tobias Samuel Harris said...

Thanks all! It's great to receive such a warm welcome from old friends.

Kozo said...

You can add me to the list of people who was happy to see this blip on his RSS reader.

Fintan Hoey said...

A warm welcome back to the blogosphere. Have missed your commentary and am looking forward to more posts.

井上エイド said...

You're still in my reader (Feedly, that is)