Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Japan politics blogger party, the sequel

Following our successful nomikai in January of this year, some of us politics bloggers have decided to hold another party to give our readers an opportunity to ply us with drinks to put faces to blogs.

Once again we will be gathering at The Pink Cow in Shibuya, at 7pm on Saturday July 25th.

If you are interested in attending, please send an email — the sooner the better — to me ( and Ken Worsley ( so that we can get a rough sense of how many people to expect.

Along the same lines, if there is interest, I am considering doing a separate bar meet one night before the 25th. Anyone up for talking politics one night? Send me an email and I'll set something up.

1 comment:

Kiwi Particle Physicist said...

Tobias, are you planning on popping down to Kansai?